Darshan Academy Jagdishpura, Kaithal celebrated the concluding ceremony of Rajinder Week of Meditation and Peace on the auspicious birthday of Sant Rajinder Singh Ji Maharaj. The special assembly was conducted on the school campus in which Darshanites were taught about the meaning of meditation and 
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Darshan Academy Jagdishpura, Kaithal, celebrated Darshan Week of Love and Service on the auspicious birthday of Sant Darshan Singh Ji Maharaj with great pomp and show. The special assembly was conducted on the school campus. Darshanites were taught about the treasured qualities of selfless love 
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Darshan Academy, Jagdishpura, Kaithal celebrated Kirpal Week of Loving Kindness in the memory of Sant Kirpal Singh Ji Maharaj. This week, students serve from their hearts and soul in the spirit of helping others. They learnt how their actions could positively impact the lives of 
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"Dream, Dream, Dream. Dream transforms into thoughts and thoughts result in action. "